Designer Diaries - Megan Gilbert

We’d like to you introduce to one of our associates, Megan, who has been at BraytonHughes since 2016. She’ll share some way more interesting tidbits with you all!

1)     What is your favorite BHD project (either that you have worked on or not)?

Avow (I worked on the design proposal and concept presentation!).


2)    What is your favorite design product?

Aria Chiara Ceiling Fan by Ceadesign – It’s a modern-look ceiling fan that has ozonation and ionization capabilities which means it can break down viruses, bacteria allergens and carbon monoxide.


3)     What (or who) inspired you to be a designer?

I feel lucky to have been able to see the design process firsthand at an early age – my parents remodeled my childhood home twice when I was a kid.  I remember being fascinated by the blueprints of our house and it inspired me to start drawing.

4)     What is your favorite hotel or restaurant?

My favorite hotel that I’ve been to recently is the Madonna Inn in San Louis Obispo.  Such a strange, cozy little gem!

5)      What was your first job?

I worked for Artik Art & Architecture my last semester of mysenior year of college and a little bit after.  It is a really cool office – they specialize in educational architecture and have designed a lot of the public k-12 and community colleges in Northern California.

6)      What are you streaming right now?

Los Espookys

5)      What is something that none of your coworkers know about you?

I was homeschooled from 1st grade through 8th grade.  It’s not part of my past that I really embraced as part of my identity until recently.  I now realize that it made me uniquely equipped to handle working from home during the pandemic.

6)     Where have you gotten lost on purpose?

Bodega Bay.  Go to Wild Flour Bread if you find yourself nearby, it is the best!

7)     Coffee or Tea? How do you take it?

Coffee.  Strong, black and first thing in the morning.

8)     How do you get your news?

Online – The NY Times and the SFist, mostly.  Which reminds me… VOTE!